Planned Giving
At St. Joe’s, there is a long tradition of our loyal supporters including the school in their estate plans. Through the planned support of our alumni and friends, St. Joe’s can continue making a quality education accessible to all academically-qualified students, helping to ensure that generations of young men will have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a Lasallian education.
A “planned gift” – whether in the form of a bequest, insurance policy, or other method – advances our Lasallian mission and ensures a bright future for the school. These strategic gifts also have practical benefits for our donors, allowing them to support St. Joe’s while achieving their financial goals, reducing their tax liability, and planning for their loved ones far into the future.
Why support St. Joe's with a planned gift?
For Don Rackl '73, a planned gift was a way to formally recognize the three basic principles he learned at St. Joe's that have guided his life. "First, treat everyone you meet with respect," he said. "Second, every interaction is a learning opportunity to expand your horizons. Third, just get up every morning and do the best you can. My goal in assisting St. Joe’s has been to simply allow as many young men in Western New York to have the same benefit of a Lasallian education that I did from 1969 to 1973."
Gino Bona '91 talked about his decision to support the school in the same way. “Investing in a life insurance policy is the perfect way for me to give back as an expression of gratitude for the solid foundation St. Joe’s gave me early in life. No matter how old you are, it’s never too early or too late to make a planned gift to the school.”
Read more about Gino and other St. Joe's alumni on why they give to St. Joe's through a planned gift.
Interested in receiving more information about planned giving?
Contact Dan Warner '06, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, at 716-270-4115 or [email protected].
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. Full Disclaimer.

Gino Bona '91 and his family