Department Overview
Courses offered in the English department are carefully designed to provide a holistic examination of literature and culture to enhance our student-centered approach to learning, allowing young men to fully explore their own research interests and passions, while engaging in meaningful relationships with our English faculty.
Freshmen will take the Introduction to Literary Form, a rigorous course in which they will read some of the greatest works in literature, including the study of novels, plays, short stories, and poetry, as well as fascinating contemporary works designed to foster a deeper understanding of our shared modern world. The curriculum is designed to build upon the foundations of the middle school years, while successfully transitioning our young men to tenth grade where the rigor of high school level reading, writing, and critical thinking starts to take shape.
At the junior and senior levels of study, students have the ability to shape their curriculum based on their own interests and passions. Upperclassmen choose from a generous selection of over ten full-year electives, specially designed to tap into the research and intellectual interests of our current faculty and, more importantly, engage students with meaningful, interesting, and cross curricular approaches to knowledge. In order to prepare our students for success in college, these courses also stress research skills and writing through course projects and independent research presentations.
Courses offered: (See the course catalog for class descriptions.)
- Freshman Level
- Introduction to Literary Form (Honors also offered)
- Sophomore Level
- The Great Works (Honors also offered)
- Junior / Senior Level: choose from electives and/or AP English.
- AP English
- Electives
- Crime and Detective Fiction
- Gods and Heroes: Myth, Meaning, and Sacrifice
- Human Rights: Understanding Justice to Inspire Change
- Science Fiction Literature
- The Psychology of Fear: A Study in Horror Literature
- Rebellion Literature
- Spy Literature
- Buffalo Seminar
Additional courses offered that fulfill general elective credit requirements:
- Journalism
- Introduction to Film