Career Exploration Program
The Career Exploration Program (CEP) is designed to provide students with valuable work-based learning experiences. This program provides students with practical, career-related skill-building workshops and networking events. The goal is to provide even more opportunities for our young men to identify their strengths and interests as they consider college majors and careers. With the support of our extensive alumni network, the opportunities are incredible.
This year, the CEP will offer students after school workshops in various fields, including architecture and design, medicine, law, business and entrepreneurship, and many more. During these workshops, we will host St. Joe’s alumni who will present to the students about their line of work. They will discuss how they ended up in their career, what they do day-to-day as part of their job, and will help students learn more about how they can pursue a career in this field. Workshops will also include interactive activities that allow students to get an inside look at what a job in this field may entail.
Any questions or comments, please contact Internship Coordinator Mr. Will LaCroix at [email protected].
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Past internship partners include: