Megan Zuchlewski » About Ms. Zuchlewski

About Ms. Zuchlewski

Began her career at St. Joe's in 2019

Education: BS in Earth Science and MS in Science Education (in progress), Buffalo State College
Other roles held at St. Joe's: Freshman "Be Welcomed" Program Co-Moderator
Mrs. Zuchlewski loves the positive energy at St. Joe's, which she feels when she walks through the door each day. Students are motivated and excited about learning, and eager to get involved and give back to the school community. 
"In our ever changing world, science education is becoming increasingly more important. Our environment, climate, and technology demand an emerging scientific generation, full of new ideas and solutions to the changes and challenges we face. Students must come to learn, understand, and appreciate the physical and biological world we live in and interact with daily."